Rebellion in the Church

Rebellion in the Church

My friend Bernie Koerselman shows where the modern day church has absolutely rejected calling Jesus Christ Lord; calling it “Legalism.” Trying to say, “You are just trying to earn “Grace ” . Their grace only has the power to forgive sin, but is totally impotent to change lives or cause you and I to live a holy life and do what is righteous. False Teaching creates False Converts.

People want a “ticket” out of hell, but do not want to submit to Him daily. They don’t want Him to tell them what to do everyday.

Matthew 7:21 (NLT) “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter.

The church needs a “Wake Up Call! We are not fulfilling the Great Commission to go and make DISCIPLES. [OBEDIENT FOLLOWERS OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST]. This book is that Wake up call..

Read this, if dare to be challenged to Biblical Christianity. Of course , if you are stuck in “religion” you will not appreciate this book.