Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please Him…”.

To say that a person who is walking in Darkness has faith towards God is deception. Nowhere in the Bible does God call someone a “Believer” who is practicing sin without regret or remorse. To say that a person is pleasing to God apart from faith towards God is deception. That’s Religion! Only an Abiding Relationship will cause you to enter the Kingdom of God. Man deceives himself into thinking he can have eternal life and do what he wants. He thinks he is “secure”, but deceived.
1Jn 2:29 “If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.”
When salvation does not include repentance a person is deceived. God calls us to repent from sin. If a person does not hear this in the message of the gospel, they are not saved. They need to know the are saved from sin, not just the penalty of sin. The watered down false gospel does not explain this. Therefore we have people who want to continue in sin and call themselves Christians. They think it is ok to live in fornication because their “pastor” told them salvation is all about going to heaven instead of Jesus being The Lord of your life.
The question has to be asked, “What did they get saved from?”

Salvation includes repentance. (Turning from sin)
When we see evangelism in the New Testament we see it explained as turning away from sin and letting God RULE YOUR LIFE.
Nowadays the false gospel makes salvation all about going to heaven. (Not found in the bible)

Try to go back and explain this to a false believer and they will not receive it, because their “pastor” told them they were a Christian because the “Ask Jesus into their heart.” (Found nowhere in the bible.)